Phishing and Email Security: The Greatest Threat to Cybersecurity

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Phishing and Email Security: The Greatest Threat to Cybersecurity

All organizations should have cybersecurity practices in place to safeguard against phishing and email security cyber-attack. In this article, we will go through why email security and phishing are the root cause of most data breaches, and how implementing a line of defense against them is essential to the safety of an organization.

Phishing, or malicious emails sent to employees to scam them into giving out information, is the greatest threat to an organization’s cybersecurity because employees can unknowingly reveal sensitive data, or open malicious links, viruses, or attachments included in the email. Due to the number of organizations that lack email security, almost all (94%) of cyber-attacks are done through phishing. Hackers know that without training, employees’ awareness, and external security measures in place, it’s easy to gain data and entrance into a company’s system.

Email protection and defense should be an organization’s primary concern when it comes to cybersecurity. Organizations, businesses, and companies may not have the workforce to adequately screen all emails, even with training, which is why it’s so important to have external protections in place. By working with a team of cybersecurity experts, organizations can focus on what their job entails, while the experts discern between legitimate emails, emails with dangerous attachments, and full-scale phishing scams. By doing this, an email security team can avoid the malware or viruses that can infiltrate a system and threaten the safety of data, without disruption to the organization.

You need a digital forensic and cybersecurity team that can protect all incoming emails, investigating attachments, extensions, and links. Flag all dangerous .pdf, .zip files, and macros so that employees can feel confident in doing their job without the threat of breach or cyber-attack. Implementing a supplemental line of defense against phishing by increasing email security can make all the difference between an attempted attack and a full-blown data breach.